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Fake Oakleys Latest Ofsted early years statistics: concerns about impact of reductions in support for providers

According to ‘Under 5’s’, the magazine of the Pre-school Learning Alliance, the number of early years providers judged ‘inadequate’ more than doubled in the last academic year. Neil Leitch, the Alliance chief executive commented that, ‘Ofsted has repeatedly attributed the steady decline in outcomes…to the new tougher approach to inspections, but ‘raising the bar’ without providing any additional practical support is surely a recipe for disaster.

At a time when the government is planning to remove the duty of local authorities to Cheap Oakleys Sunglasses Outlet provide vital support, training and advice to providers judged ‘good’ or better….we are concerned that little, if anything, is being done to buck this downwards trend.

Providers need to be adequately supported if they are to improve quality, or maintain existing high standards.’
What are your thoughts on this? And how does this impact on your own role in promoting good practice?

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Toxic Stress
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The Chief Medical Officer has warned of the dangers of of ‘toxic stress’ in infants and young children in her annual report, ‘Our Children Deserve Better: Prevention Pays’. Professor Dame Sally Davies states that toxic stress can have a ‘significant impact on a young child’s rapidly developing nervous system, development, Fake Oakleys, health, and well-being across the lifespan’.

Toxic stress is defined as ‘prolonged exposure to severe stress that is not tempered by the parents or carer’.
For more information see ‘Under 5, the Magazine of the Pre-school Learning Alliance’ available from